Kitchen Remodeling

Before remodeling fix these problematic errors | chevy chase, md

​No matter how large or small the budget is, bathroom Remodeling will never get started if there’s extra work to do. You or a professional is going to make sure the bathroom is in good condition before the remodel process. Look for these problematic mistakes and correct it. Time: You need enough days or weeks

Before remodeling fix these problematic errors | chevy chase, md Read More »

Remodeling your bedroom with little space to work with

​Having an extremely large bedroom means you should have no problem coming up with remodeling ideas because you are not hindered by size restrictions. However, when dealing with a small bedroom, you must be quite creative to come up with a design that not only looks great, but functions well. It is helpful to understand that there

Remodeling your bedroom with little space to work with Read More »

Keep your cool during the remodeling process | Chevy Chase, MD

​The planning stage is easier than seeing it come to life. The first sight of a mess sends you in a fit of rage. Instead of letting that bother you, let patience, preparation and knowledge be your guide in the Remodeling process.   Preparation    Avoid stress and arguments by removing everything from the room.

Keep your cool during the remodeling process | Chevy Chase, MD Read More »

Costs and returns of home remodeling | bethesda, md

If you’re thinking of remodeling, two of your most important considerations are how much it will cost and what return you can get on the investment. Remodeling Magazine offers concrete averages for both factors in their “2013 Cost vs Value Report” for the Washington, DC area. Note that these only represent values for mid-range projects.

Costs and returns of home remodeling | bethesda, md Read More »

Home remodeling and home renovation | Chevy Chase, MD

​Kitchen Remodeling   In today’s world, the kitchen is as much a familial meeting space as it was 100 years ago. With the smell of dinner wafting throughout the house and its physical location situated alongside the dining room, it is no wonder the kitchen has remained the place where all roads converge in the

Home remodeling and home renovation | Chevy Chase, MD Read More »