Blending imagination and practicality to build a custom home | potomac, md

Many people dream about building a custom home but don’t do it because they fear that it’s going to be too much of a hassle. However, with the expertise provided to you by Hopkins and Porter, you don’t have to worry about the practical aspect of building a custom home. We’ll tell you whether certain things are possible or not given your requirements, budget, location etc. Of course, there are always going to be certain restrictions, but when you build a custom home, you can include a number of custom touches that appeal to you, from large bathrooms to Japanese gardens in your backyard.


A Variety of Custom Touches 


Some of the things that you want to have in your custom home may be things that you’ve dreamt about for a long time. Maybe you’ve always been interested in gardening. So the idea of having a large garden to potter about in always appealed to you. Or maybe you’ve always loved cooking, in which case you’ll need to get a big kitchen with the latest appliances. Some people wants pools in their backyard while others like having holistically themed bathrooms. The sky is the limit when it comes to custom touches in the home that you’re building.


Being Practical When Building a Custom Home


Of course, you can’t forget the practical aspect entirely and our team will always bring you back to basics if it seems like you’ve wandered too far away. At a very basic level, a home is a place that provides you with shelter. So you need to make sure that you have enough space for yourself and your family members. If you work from home, you’ll probably need to have a home office as well. It’s great to be able to indulge all your hobbies in your new custom home but you should also think about exactly how often you think you’re going to use that pool or artist’s studio. Try to include the things that you’ll use more often in your design for a custom home.


Contact us for more information in remodeling your home or building a custom home.