Home additions: to build up or out?

If you’ve found that your house is no longer spacious enough for you and your family, you might consider doing a home addition or remodel project. There are many directions in which a project like this can go. One basic detail to figure out is whether you would like to build up or out. If you have a one-story house, you could add a second story. Or you might prefer to build out instead.


Here are a few factors to consider when trying to figure out which will work best for you and which will better meet your needs.

Do you have the space to build out? If you have small children who spend a lot of time playing in the yard, you might not want to take away from that outdoor space. Take into consideration how much yard space you would lose by building out and whether or not that would work for your lifestyle.


Would your foundation need work if you build up? If you build up, you will likely need to strengthen the foundation and/or possibly add support posts to certain walls. If you build out, you will need a new foundation for the added space. Figure out how this will affect the structure of the house as well as what the price will be.


Which would better complete the house? Think about the space needs you are trying to solve, as well as the lifestyle you carry. If you plan on staying in this house for another ten or so years, make sure to take any changes that will come with that time into consideration.


What is the price difference between the two? It is very likely that building up will be more expensive, but if this meets your needs, don’t give up on the idea. If possible, you could choose to only use the space above your garage to create an extra room.


If you would like to meet with one of our experts on remodeling, feel free to contact us so we can discuss the possibilities for your project.​