Home remodeling and home renovation | Bethesda, MD

​There isn’t a soul in this world who hasn’t looked at the four walls that surrounds them and thought, “I could use more space”. Adding more space to your home is a home renovation project that is fully attainable with Hopkins & Porter.


Home Additions 


We’ve got decades of experience delivering fantastic design solutions to clients, and whether you’re just looking for more space or you’re looking to completely renovate your home, we’ll be there at your service to make your dreams come true.


Click here to view our portfolio of home additions and other home renovation projects

Kitchen Remodeling 


In today’s world, the kitchen is as much a familial meeting space as it was 100 years ago. With the smell of dinner wafting throughout the house and its physical location situated alongside the dining room, it is no wonder the kitchen has remained the place where all roads converge in the home. At Hopkins & Porter we understand that a functional, beautiful kitchen makes for a happy home. This is why when we commence with our kitchen remodeling projects, we take much care and precision in creating a space that brings the home and its inhabitants together.


Click here to view our portfolio of kitchen remodeling projects